

HK Stock Lv1 Real-time Streaming Quote (Mobile Only)

Market Quotes

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Transaction Details


Stock List

All Stocks

Market Quotes

Buy/Sell Market Depth

Transaction Details

How to Get

Users who complete the following requirements may available to free access HK Stock Lv1 Real-time Streaming Quote for 1-3 months respectively. HK Stock Lv1 Real-time Streaming Quote will activate automatically.

New Clients


1. Initial deposit of HKD10,000 or USD 1,500.

2. And maintain a daily net deposit* of HKD 10,000 or USD 1,500 for 45 consecutive days.

Duration of HK Stock Lv1 Real-time Streaming Quote

90 calendar days

Distribution time

Immediate distribution

Deposited Tiger Customers


1. Daily net assets maintain HKD 10,000 or above in November 2023.

2. And complete an HK Market order at least once in November.

Duration of HK Stock Lv1 Real-time Streaming Quote

90 calendar days

Distribution time

Distributed before December 25, 2023


1. In December 2023 and subsequent months*, daily net assets maintain HKD 10,000 or above in a month.

2. And complete an HK Market order at least once in the same month.

Duration of HK Stock Lv1 Real-time Streaming Quote

30 calendar days

Distribution time

Automatically distributed within 7 working days of the next month

*T&Cs apply

*Net deposit refers to the difference between the funds deposited by investors into the securities account and the funds withdrawn from the account within a specific period.